Proudly servicing Tasmania


Suppliers of Electronic Equipment and Support to Tasmanian Industry for over 30 years

Electronic solutions for industry utilising the latest hardware and software developments

PatchSee Product Information

DataTaker Data Loggers

MFB Racks and Equipment


Elecrolube Chemicals for Electronics

Hakko Soldering Products

Audio and Vision Systems, Datalogging and analysis, specialist IT Products.  Representing, among others: Datataker Dataloggers;  Hakko Soldering and DeSoldering products; Electrolube Electronic Chemicals   MFB Equipment Racks, housings and Cabinets;  Mobotix HiResolution Video;    PatchSee Intelligent Patch Cords; Temperature Controls Probes and sensors; and other specialist electronic products and solutions:  ...  Contact Us at MailTo